Our extensive library houses a vast collection of books, journals, and digital resources, catering to the diverse academic needs of our students and faculty. With dedicated study areas and research support, the library serves as a hub for knowledge acquisition and intellectual growth.
The library began functioning in August 2013 at the inception of college. The college library is located in a central position of the campus.
Working time is 8:30 AM and closes at 4:30 PM. on all working days.
The library is automated with the software KOHA for the overall management of library operations.
Library offers project report search facility in OPAC. Library also has article search facility. Important articles in the periodicals and journals subscribed by the library are entered and users can search for it in OPAC.
Books are classified according to the Dewey Decimal Classification Scheme 22nd edition.
We provide open access facility in the library keeping in mind the right information for the right user at the right time. The library’s assets are mainly for the students, faculties and the staffs.
The total area of library is 2255 sq.ft. It is divided into five sections, main hall, reference hall, stack area, store and periodical section.
Reader’s entry and exit is recorded through an access control and management system (reader’s RFID id card is scanned and automatically recorded his visit).
Library Guidelines
Library is open from 8.30 a.m. to 4.30 p.m. on all working days and from 8.30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. on all Saturdays except second Saturday.
College ID Card and Library Card are Compulsory.
Identity card is a must for all library transactions. ID cards are non-transferable.
Users should login in ‘library user log entry in the computer at the entrance before entering the library and logout while leaving the library.
Users should keep their belongings in the property counter before entering the library except writing paraphernalia.
Personal books for reference are to be taken into the library only with the permission of the librarian.
Kindly Place the journals, Periodicals & News Papers in their respective places.
Six books are issued at a time to PG students and two books to the UG students.
The books lent out should be returned within 14 days or renewed on the 14th day for further use. In case of renewal, the books are to be brought to the library and the librarian will renew them and then they can be kept for another 14 days. If the library books are not returned on time, a fine of Rs.2/- will be charged per book, per day. If the book is not returned he/she will be suspended from membership till the book is returned and the fine is paid.
A student may reserve a book. In such cases, preference will be given to those who reserve it on “first come first serve” basis and such books cannot be renewed.
Reference Books, Magazines, Bound Volumes, Periodicals and Projects cannot be taken out of the library or lent out from the library without the permission of the Principal.
Once a book is taken off the rack, it should not be put back on the rack, but to be left on the table.
The books taken by the staff members are to be returned within 1 month or can to be renewed.
Students coming to the library should show their identity cards to the librarian, when demanded. Though library will remain open during the Onam, Christmas and summer holidays, books will be issued only for reference in the library. If such books are taken out of the library a fine of Rs.50/- will be charged per day per book. Students are forbidden to lend books of the college library to others.
The Students are given two library cards each and they must bring them personally to take books from the library. For each book, a card is taken by the librarian and when the book is returned the card is given back. Books will not be issued without cards or on the cards of another student. However, the books taken by a student may be returned by another, in unavoidable and exceptional situations, such as sickness etc. to avoid fine.
If a book is damaged, spoiled or lost the student will either have to pay for it or supply to the library a new copy of the book according to the decision of the Principal / Librarian.
Students are forbidden to remove any page or article from newspapers or magazines in the reading room. If removed it should be replaced or the price of the same should be given to the library.
All are expected to return the books/CD, etc. to the library as indicated in the college calendar, failing which Rs.50/- will be charged per item per day.
If library cards are lost duplicate cards may be issued on written request of the student and on payment of Rs.50/- per card.