Industrial Visit

The department of Computer Science organized an Industrial Visit for the students of 4th semester at Techoriz Digital Solution, Government Cyber Park Calicut on 16th December, 2022. Mr. Rayees, CEO after welcoming everyone explained the history of the company, the type of the facilities they are providing to the clients and also explained about the importance of digital marketing and social marketing. The visit consisted of 3 sessions. First Session was on latest technology and work in IT world. This session was handled by Mr. Anoop, Project Manager. The second session was about Experience zone. During this session all the students visited the company where they interacted with the employees. The last session was QA (Question & Answer). In this session students cleared their doubts with the industry experts. This was a fruitful visit for our students. Our students got knowledge about the latest Technologies in IT world and the current scenario of IT.
